While beliebers continue to express outrage of Justin Bieber smoking weed, other remain in denial that Justin would dare partake in such a habit.
Meet 18-year old belieber Robin Verrecas, who does look A LOT like Justin Bieber (See pic below of Robin).
After facing the criticism of his twitter followers for days, Robin has finally spoken out on Twitter and denied that he’s actually the one in those Justin Bieber pot smoking pictures.
Via @RobinVerracas:
the guy on that weed picture ISN’T me!! I SWEAR! @justinbieber please tell them the truth,”
“i’m a belieber! so if it was me…why would i do this to justin? THINK!!?? i don’t smoke.”
But here’s the thing: Robin doesn’t believe Justin is actually the one in those photos, either.
“it’s not Justin! THE PIC IS FAKE!”
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