She say she love my Lolly-Justin Bieber

Saturday 22 December 2012

Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez Snuggling PDA in the Airport!

on Saturday 22 December 2012

Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez were snuggling in the airport in Salt Lake City, Utah, reports RadarOnline.
In the photos, Selena is sitting on Justin’s lap and they have their arms around each other.
They seem to be deep in conversation but Justin sticks his tongue out at Selena which makes her smile.

The eyewitness told RadarOnline: “They were very affectionate with each other. They were kissing on and off and they just sat together and talked and looked totally in love.”

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Justin and Selena were rumored to have been vacationing with Taylor Swift and boyfriend Harry Styles.

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