She say she love my Lolly-Justin Bieber

Friday, 5 April 2013

Justin Bieber 'should have monkey taken away' - charity

on Friday, 5 April 2013

The teenage heart-throb sneaked his pet capuchin named Mally onto his private jet last week as he flew from Los Angeles to Europe.

But when he landed at Munich airport officials seized the primate and put it in quarantine because the singer did not have permission to bring it into the country.

Bieber has been given one month to produce the necessary paper work to Munich officials if he wants to be reunited with the animal. But sanctuary officials at Tierschutzverein say the baby white-shoulder capuchin will end up as a "living mascot to the superstar" and should not be handed over.
Mally is around 14 weeks old, she was too young when she was taken away from her mother. Animal welfare organizations do not want to see infant monkeys misused.There are several organisations which specialise in caring for primates which can take care of Mally and ensure
she is looked after so that she can form a social community with her own kind.We also would expect him to apologize and use his popularity to raise awareness about animal welfare in the future.


Peta Germany Statement:
Mally is being treated wonderfully well. She is in excellent hands in a safe place, and she’ll be integrated with other monkeys so that she can receive the social interaction vital to her well-being and psychological growth.
Young people often acquire animals without considering the impact or consequences, and Justin Bieber likely had no idea that Mally was a baby, taken away from her mother at way too young an age.
 We trust that he’ll do the right thing and pay for Mally to stay in Europe with people who are sensitive to, and familiar with, her unique needs.

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